Mapping Cognitive Service Metadata Fields [GL OG]
Metadata provided by cognitive services in VidiNet is also able to be synced to ConfigPortal. After synchronization, these fields and groups can also be used for, e.g. mapping them to MediaPortal.
After the initial Vidispine connection was configured and established in ConfigPortal's Connection Page, all technical and cognitive metadata from Vidispine are synced to ConfigPortal and are available in the Metadata Page. They can be also mapped to global and segment metadata in the MediaPortal Page.
In contrast to technical metadata, cognitive metadata groups and fields in Vidispine are not static. As long as no Cognitive Service is registered in Vidispine / VidiNet, no cognitive metadata are available. For each Cognitive Service which has been added later, new metadata groups and fields will be created in Vidispine. These will have to be re-synced. An additional transient metadata "__storage" is also synced to ConfigPortal. This field can have multiple values referencing all storages on which files are available for corresponding asset.
Please note that, currently, the syncing of Vidispine metadata to ConfigPortal only takes part if the Vidispine Connection was edited and saved. In a future version there will be a "Resync" button in the metadata configuration section.
For now, one must edit and save the Vidispine connection. One does not need to make changes in the configuration. In order to do so, save it again without any changes. On save, potential additional cognitive metadata will be synced.