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The CONFIG Page is dedicated to configuring general transcoder settings. These settings are organized into the following entries:

  • Media poll interval in seconds: the specified time in seconds in which media growth is observed.
  • File grow timeout in seconds: the max time in seconds in which file growth is observed. If no detection occurs, a timeout takes place.
  • File appear timeout in seconds: the max time in seconds in which file appearance is observed. If no detection occurs, a timeout takes place.
  • PreRead FrameCount: the specified number of frames for the asynch pre-read buffer.

DNxHD Decoding

Apart from being able to specify generic settings, the CONFIG Page allows users to enable DNxHD Decoding. This option should be handled with extreme care as it requires that the customer possess the license.

Please note that due to the fact that license is not validated via ConfigPortal, this option must not be enabled unless the appropriate license is beforehand.

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