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ConfigPortal Release Notes

The following items on the list encompass breaking changes, features, and fixes that are relevant for the major release.


Release 23.2.53


Angular 15 support

ConfigPortal has been updated to use Angular version 15.

UI improvements

Several general UI improvements were implemented:

  • The tree of configurations shows a search box on top. This allows you to enter a search term which reduces the display to all matching entries.

  • If a VidiCore connection failure happens in staging, a link allowing one to directly jump to the connection configuration is shown.

  • The sorting of entries is improved on the global configuration pages for storages and metadata.

Support to Set ACLs on Mapped Groups

It is possible to set ACLs for different VidiCore objects to mapped groups. In previous versions of Vidispine products, this was implemented in a way that the assigned AD groups were ascertained from the mapped groups and the ACLs were set on the VidiCore representatives of the AD groups.

With the 23.2 release, ConfigPortal additionally always creates representative groups for the mapped groups in VidiCore. A new central environment-dependent configuration switch “Set ACLs directly on the mapped group” was introduced in the Global Configuration page for the VidiCore Connection. If set to true, the intention is that all Vidispine products settings ACLs do so on the mapped groups' representatives and no longer on the AD groups' representatives.


When deploying ConfigPortal, a post-installation job makes sure that for all already existing mapped groups also representatives in VidiCore are created.

If the configuration switch is to be enabled in an existing environment, a specific migration of the ACLs itself has to be implemented.

Changes on Metadata Toolkit

When resolving a use case with the metadata toolkit, it appends a new property (DefaultEnumId) which will include the "prefix:id".

Staging Improvements

Improved Comparison Overview

A new powerful comparison view is introduced to allow an improved visual comparison of changes before staging.

Show Full Path of Configuration

Several view for the staging process are updated to show the full click-path of the adapted configuration.

GIT File Size Reduction of Downloaded Repositories

When downloading a GIT repository for staging, it is now possible to remove unused areas in the repo. On the one hand, this extends the execution time for the download, on the other hand, it can drastically decrease the size of the ZIP file and shorten the execution time on the staging itself.

If timeouts occur when downloading the repo, try again without the optimization enabled.

Adapted Storage Configuration

Storage Key-Value Metadata

VidiCore storages support key-value metadata to allow the configuration of different aspects of the storage handling. They can now be configured in ConfigPortal in the Storage configuration, section Metadata.

All keys available in VidiCore are shown in the dropdown list including a short documentation and a link to the VidiCore documentation.

As for other configurations, the flag symbol shows if the configuration of a key-value couple is environment-dependent or independent.

Set Storage Capacity or Enable Auto-Detect

Storages in ConfigPortal now support configuring the storage capacity (environment-dependent). Alternatively, the auto-detect function can be activated for all environments.

Prevent the Browser to Insert Local User Credentials

When configuring storage accesses, ConfigPortal now prevents the browser from automatically inserting locally stored credentials. This is to prevent misconfigurations.


Item #



CP: Update SystemEndpoint API does not reset cache in the UseCase referencing the system endpoint


CP: Metadata synced from VidiCore does not generated the GUID based on GUID generated from POST method


CP: sort products in info view


CP: Staging always show failed in notification regardless success or not


CP: ReadOnly metadata shall allow edit label and description


CP: Avoid to delete mapped groups that are already in use


CP: Unable to edit Metadata Category in WebUI


CP: Storage configuration: Incorrect quota rule limit conversion


CP: WebUI Layout Issues


CP: Missing sub claims for VidiCore when use AS IdentityServer


CP: Workflow toolkit in RadioExtended keeps loading


CP: Staging Resolve Duplication


CP: Unable to stage UseCaseDefinition with single configuration


CP: VidiCore connection shows failed on staging started even the connection is connected


CP: ACLRule toolkit should respect the setting in Global Configuration to resolve value to mappedGroup


CP: Add VC Role Definitions via CP Installer


CP: Download Repository Failed Issue


CP: Check box for default field is broken

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