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DateTime Support in Workflows

VidiFlow supports improved datetime usage. This includes:

  • Camunda DateTime (ISO 8601) in workflows

  • DateTime supports strings as input in a ISO 8601 syntax.

  • DateTime supports dates until at least AD 0.

  • Additionally, DateTime can be used for datetime calculations and operations (such as for comparisons) in the following contexts:

  • ExpressionLanguage (EL)

  • JavaScript

  • Rule (engine and designer)

Please note that some of the subtopics are particularly relevant in a context in which MediaPortal is coupled to VidiFlow.

Handling of Timecodes and Partial Clips

In order to avoid confusion over mixed frame counts in different time bases (e.g. NTSC, PAL etc.) VidiFlow only supports the usage of distinct timecodes.
In order to avoid different interpretations of end-frames (is the end frame included or not) VidiFlow only supports the specification of start-timecode and duration for identifying segments of videos.

Date Type Timecode

The Date type Timecode is now included in the workflow engine as sub-type of the string type. This type accepts timecodes in Vidispine notation. For more information about that notation please refer to the documentation linked below:
All tasks / agents that handle timecodes must provide input parameters of this new type timecode.

Or (as recommended) if the workflow provides the input parameter "WorkflowObjects" as JSON as the input of Multi-Instance workflows. This parameter will then contain all of following parameters with specified type:

  • ObjectId (String)

  • Title (String)

  • RenamedTitle (String)

  • TimeCodeIn (Timecode)

  • Duration (Timecode)

  • IsPartialRange (Boolean)

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