AuthorisationService Release Notes
Patches for this major release
Patches are shown based on recency and will appear below as soon as they are issued.
24.4.15 on
What’s new?
Fixes | |
Item# | Item |
236810 | Login not possible due to wrong secret file |
Release 24.4.14
Dependencies and Component Updates
The following central components will be shipped in the noted version, along with relevant product and service dependencies:
Components | Version |
Keycloak providers UPDATED | 24.4.11 |
Alpine Image CORRECTED ON 26.02.2025 | 3.21 |
Keycloak | 22 |
Microsoft .NET | 8 |
Change LDAP user search behaviour for LDAP synchronisation
Requests to AuthService that require access to user or group datasets or now optimized to get the required data from the KeyCloak database instead of reading it directly from LDAP. This should avoid timeout errors.
Client Credential encryption for LDAP login
The LDAP login credentials are now per default encrypted between the login screen and the AuthService backend. This feature can be disabled if required.
Item# | Item |
233620 | AS: AuthService returns wrong groups for users with similar names |
233692 | AS KC: LDAP sync did not assign group member to group |
234429 | AS KC: Multiple same group members in Keycloak Group |