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UC Monitoring Workflows


Users are also able to monitor a workflow instance or all workflows instances executed in VidiFlow using dedicated calls (see below SWAGGER References). However, it is important to note that the calls differ in function.

The returned state of either call shows the status of the particular workflow instance.

  • Running: the workflow instance is currently being executed.

  • Completed: the workflow instance has been finished successfully. Under data/OutputParameters, one can see the final results of the workflow.

  • CompletedWithError: the workflow instance completed with an error. Under data/OutputParameters, one can see the final results of the workflow.

  • Incident: the workflow instance is stuck during execution.

  • Canceled: the workflow instance has been canceled by a user.

Output parameters are visible throughout the entire execution showing their current values.

The mentioned instanceId in these calls is the workflowId from the UC Running Workflows [C IG].



Details about a workflow instance

This call returns detailed information about a particular workflow instance.


GET /v1/Instances/instanceId

GET /v1/Instances/26073cfe-e623-4bca-a90c-50f35ce111eb

  "Id": "26073cfe-e623-4bca-a90c-50f35ce111eb",
  "WorkflowName": "AwesomeWorkflow",
  "WorkflowVersion": "1.0",
  "WorkflowId": "4c0e3c54-4cf9-4f61-8569-3f98358139d9",
  "StartTime": "2025-03-12T15:36:59.7248532+00:00",
  "EndTime": "2025-03-12T15:41:59.7248507+00:00",
  "StartedBy": "WorkflowUser",
  "State": "Completed",
  "Progress": 0,
  "Description": "Some Description",
  "Data": {
    "InputParameters": [
        "Name": "IdleTime",
        "Value": "5",
        "Type": "long"
        "Name": "SomeStringInput",
        "Value": "Some string...",
        "Type": "string"
    "OutputParameters": [
        "Name": "SomeStringOutput",
        "Value": "Some string as the result of the workflow...",
        "Type": "string"
  "IsInvalid": false,
  "Priority": 0,
  "Metadata": {
    "CustomField": "CustomFieldValue"
  "HasChildren": false,
  "ProcessCorrelationId": "9f55f647-4ad2-4059-9c09-00549ea9ba26",
  "RestartRelation": "NotRestarted"

Instance History

This call is intended for use when one wishes to know the overall state of a specific workflow instance at the time the call is made.


GET /v1/Instances/instanceId/History

GET /v1/Instances/26073cfe-e623-4bca-a90c-50f35ce111eb/History

  "Histories": [
      "State": "Unknown",
      "StartTime": "2025-03-12T16:07:56.614Z",
      "EndTime": "2025-03-12T16:07:56.614Z",
      "UiId": "string",
      "DiagnosticInfo": "string",
      "SubWorkflowId": "string",
      "ActivityInstanceId": "string",
      "ActivityType": "string",
      "ParentActivityInstanceId": "string",
      "ExecutionId": "string",
      "Priority": 0,
      "IsOpenIncident": true
  "Count": 0,
  "Prev": "string",
  "Next": "string"

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