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Tasks for HiRes Thumbnails and Posters

In addition to thumbnails, posters are able to be created in Vidispine. Posters are thumbnails which have the size of the original (HiRes) video. Just like thumbnails, Vidispine can also store posters for different timecodes on the same (video) item.
Two tasks are provided for creating images from videos:

  • "Create Poster": This task can be used to create posters for a video Item.
  • "Create Image File from Poster": After a poster is created this task can be used to create an independent image object out of a poster.

Please note that posters are not independent objects with their own Identifiers which can be e.g. directly used in workflows as image objects.

Create Poster

When creating a poster, the task gets the following input parameters:

  • SourcePlatformUri: Specifying the Item Id of the video Item.
  • Timecodes: JSON list of timecodes.

The task creates Vidispine posters at specified timecodes. If a poster already exists on a given timecode it will be generated again.
The task supports the following boundary events:
Interrupting Boundary Events

  • "TimecodeOutOfRange": If there is at least one timecode out of the range of video.
  • "InvalidAssetType": If the Source Item is not a video.

Please note that Create Poster may create posters in a different notation as those provided for the input.
Please note that the task has no output parameter.

Create Image File from Poster

When creating an image file from a poster, the task gets the following input parameters:

  • SourcePlatformUri: Specifying Source ItemId of the Video Item
  • TargetItemUri: Specifying Target ItemId of target Item to which the new image file will be added.
  • TargetStorageUri: Specifying Target Storage for created image file.
  • Timecode: Timecode of needed Image.

The task creates a file and a file object from a poster for the specified timecode. The new file object is then attached to the target Item, if the poster is available for the specified timecode.

  • TargetPlatformUri: FileId of the created Image File.

The task supports the following boundary events:

Interrupting Boundary Events

  • "NoMatchingPoster": If there is no poster for the specified timecode or no poster at all.
  • "InvalidTimecode": If the specified timecode is invalid.
  • "InvalidAssetType": If the Source Item is not a video.
  • "ItemHasShape": Thrown, if the target Item already has a Shape.

Please note that this task requires one to specify the needed timecode in the notation as saved by Vidispine.

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