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Helmut Migrations 23.4

The 23.4 release separates Helmut from VidiFlow. Helmut now has its own inventory file where the version of the Helmut Connector Helm chart and the version the Helmut Messenger container image can be specified.

For systems using Helmut, the following changes need to be performed:

  1. Create a new file under inventory named 09_vpms3.helmut.v2.yaml

  2. The new file should contain the Helmut messenger version and any values to be overridden for the Helmut Connector Helm chart. Below is the format to be used:

  3. CODE
          tag: 23.3.13
                          api: '<Helmut endpoint>'


  4. The Helmut feature needs to be enabled under The following block needs to be added to the exiting configuration.

  5. CODE
          enabled: true


  6. The helmut-connector block should be removed from 10_vpms3.vidiflow.v2.yaml. The configuration should be moved to the new 09_vpms3.helmut.v2.yaml file.


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