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Find the Right Documentation: Based on Role

The articles linked here are designed to bring the users to a parent section of the KB that is relevant based on the entry’s title. Naturally, this does not necessarily represent the totality of content needed for every role (as each system is context dependant), however it does provide an important stepping stone for readers wishing to identify what may be relevant for them based on their particular role.

As any user: I want to know of all the changes

Release and patch notes are crucial in understanding the changes your system undergoes with each release. These can be found here:

As an end user: I want to know how to use the application

Readers which are fulfilling the typical end user role should become familiar with the following User Guides for the respective product, application, or service.

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As a system administrator: I want to know how to manage and configure my applications and system

Readers which are fulfilling the typical system administrator role will want to understand how their system works, how to maintain it, and configure it. This information is housed under the central and product-specific Operation Guides.

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  • MediaPortal Operations Guide: Includes articles on use case configurations available with ConfigPortal.

  • VidiEditor Operations Guide: Includes articles on use case configurations available with ConfigPortal.

  • MAM Operations Guide: This document includes a wide range of maintenance and configuration topics - these are broken into the following sections:

    • VidiFlow Specific Topics: Includes useful information relevant to systems with VidiFlow.

      • Workflow Designer: Includes helpful information on how to use the Workflow Designer available through ConfigPortal with VidiFlow.

      • Rule Designer: Includes helpful information on how to use the Rule Designer available through ConfigPortal with VidiFlow.

    • ConfigPortal Configuration Interface: Includes useful articles on how to use ConfigPortal, use case pages applicable to entire systems (role management and LDAP synching) as well as global configurations use cases such as those for metadata and storages.

  • VidiCore’s API Doc: Includes useful information, release notes, grouped topics, installation, data model, and the API reference.

  • VidiCore’s API User Guide: Includes additional articles, troubleshooting and tips tricks.

As a developer or integrator: I want to know about the available API resources

Readers which are fulfilling the developer/integrator role will want to understand what resources are available to them. This information is housed under the following documentation:

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