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Helmut Connector Release Notes [H RN]

The following items on the list encompass breaking changes, features, and fixes that are relevant for the major release.

Patches for this major release

Patches are shown based on recency and will appear below as soon as they are issued.

Release 24.4


Date Parsing

HelmutConnector has been updated to send date-time values with only two digits for milliseconds (e.g., 024-11-20T11:02:18.83Z) to ensure compatibility with Helmut’s internal date format. This change addresses the previous issue where date-time values were not properly updated in Helmut due to the three-millisecond precision format.

Deletion Lock

Helmut Connector has been updated to react to Deletion Lock updates. This enhancement ensures that deletion locks are now properly monitored and synchronized. The update includes registering a new VidiCore notification monitor for effective deletion lock changes, syncing notifications with Helmut, and updating Helmut on any changes.

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