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How to connect Glacier storage to VidiCore API [HT GEN]

Applies to 

MaM workflows with the need for a reliable longterm archiving storage using AWS Glacier.


Learn how to configure the AWS Glacier Storage with IAM permissions allowing reading and writing files using the VidiCore API

This article requires the following pre-requisites and tools:

  • An AWS account with the necessary administrative role to administer the required permissions

  • knowledge and understanding of AWS IAM service

  • a running VidiCore API instance

  • basic knowledge how to configure VidiCore API (using Postman or similar)

Configuring the AWS Glacier Storage

VidiCore can archive files on Amazon Glacier. There are two different ways this can be achieved:

  • Creating a separate Glacier storage and move files from other storages there for archival.

  • Using an S3 storage and transition objects to the Glacier storage class


The XML document you should post looks like this:

<StorageDocument xmlns="">
      <value>{vault name}</value>

The rest of the details including how it relates to S3 are described in the API documentation for setting up Glacier.

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