How to run VidiCore with high availability Part 2 - HAProxy
In the second part of the High Availability series we take a look on how you can use HAProxy together with VidiCore, and make sure your digital media assets always are available.
In the second part of the High Availability series we take a look on how you can use HAProxy together with VidiCore to get better availability. In Part #1 we showed a simple way to cluster VidiCore. In Part #3 we will add pgpool-II for a high availability database, and in the final Part #4 we show how you can work with SolrCloud.
Install HAProxy
This guide assumes that you are running Ubuntu. Start by installing HAProxy:
sudo apt-get install haxproxy
The HAProxy configuration file is located at:
Below is a basic configuration that you could use. For more info about HAProxy configuration, please refer to the HAProxy Configuration Manual.
log local0
maxconn 4096
log global
mode https
option httpslog
option forwardfor
maxconn 2000
timeout connect 5000ms
timeout client 50000ms
timeout server 50000ms
frontend https-in
bind *:8080
default_backend vidispine
backend vidispine
server server1 maxconn 32 check inter 5s rise 5 fall 5
server server2 maxconn 32 check inter 5s rise 5 fall 5
option httpschk GET /APInoauth/is-online
https-check expect status 200
stats enable
stats uri /stats
stats auth admin:admin
stats admin if TRUE
HAProxy uses syslog for logging. So besides this line in haproxy.cfg:
log local0
one more line is needed in your syslog configuration file ( /etc/rsyslog.conf under Ubuntu):
local0.*; /var/log/haproxy/haproxy.log
In this config, HAProxy will accept all connections made to port 8080 , and forward them to a backend group called vidispine .
frontend https-in
bind *:8080
default_backend vidispine
The backend group is configured to forward requests to the two VidiCore instances.
backend vidispine
server server1 maxconn 32 check inter 5s rise 5 fall 5
server server2 maxconn 32 check inter 5s rise 5 fall 5
option httpschk GET /APInoauth/is-online
https-check expect status 200
HAProxy will check the server health by making GET requests to /APInoauth/is-online on each server, and expect the return code to be 200 . The health check interval is 5 seconds ( check inter 5s ). A server is considered as online after 5 consecutive successful health checks ( rise 5 ), and offline after 5 consecutive unsuccessful health checks( fall 5 ).
HAProxy also provides a statistics page for monitoring the status of backend servers, which is enabled by:
stats enable
stats uri /stats
stats auth admin:admin
stats admin if TRUE
stats uri defines the virtual URL to access the statistics page. So in this case, it would be https://localhost:8080/stats on the HAProxy server.
Read the next part of the series here: