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Event List

Next to the player you see the event list area that shows all the events for this video. That is the area where you can edit new or existing events.

Example of an event list

You have following options in the header of the event list:

An overview of the event components is given in this section: Event Representation

Selection of Event Type

On the left hand side of the header you can switch between different event list types, e.g. there might be a descriptive event list as well as an event list for capturing the content rights. Each event list type has a different purpose and thus could have different metadata fields. However it depends on the system design if there are multiple event lists and how they are labelled.

Example of an event list dropdown

Search Events

You can search the currently opened event list using the search field next to the event list selection.

Switch Views

MediaLogger supports two views to represent the events: Booth views always show all events but differ in the way how much metadata is shown. It depends on the system configuration in ConfigPortal which metadata fields will be shown.




Condensed view

Only shows the most relevant metadata and the first line of long descriptive texts.

Expanded view

Shows all metadata fields including full text.

Of course the edit mode of an event will also show all metadata fields including the complete text.

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