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Introducing MediaLogger

MediaLogger is a web-based logging tool designed to easily create events and enrich video and audio assets with time-based metadata. MediaLogger enables metadata pointing to specific timecode positions making it possible to easily and quickly pinpoint events when searching for these with keywords e.g. in Vidispines MediaPortal.

This benefit is augmented by the fact that both creating and editing timecode-based metadata of video and audio assets is done on multiple layers. While a journalist may use MediaLogger to tag his content on a descriptive layer, a producer may edit the (AI-generated) compliance layer to make sure that all legal standards are met.


  • Fast annotation and logging for timecode-based metadata

  • Enhanced content discovery with searchable tags and descriptions

  • Hotkeys for every function including event creation when setting IN markers

  • Integrated streaming player with multiple speed options for faster playback

  • Enrich your assets with multiple annotation event lists

  • Integrate AI services to auto generate annotations

  • Add long descriptive annotations with many metadata fields, can take a simpler approach with MediaLogger by adding markers with tags on them.

  • Easily export event data by creating CSV files containing all the events and metadata pertaining to a particular event list.

  • Fully configurable, specify which event lists, metadata fields, and views are made available.


Fully integrated with Vidispine’s central configuration hub - ConfigPortal.

MediaLogger with an example event list

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