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Player Config in MediaPortal

Administrators can use this Use Case Category to configure certain aspects pertaining to the behavior of MediaPortal’s video player.

These are:


Administrators can simply to toggle control to enable audio waveforms to be displayed in the player.

Enable Audio Mixdown

Toggle to allow users the option to listen audio tracks on the player individually or all at the same time.


Users can use this page to select which of the formats can be used in the player. These are based on pre-configured Shape tags.

Additionally, users can specify the endpoint for the streaming server being used.

Video Streaming Server TCP

The TCP endpoint is used for Streaming Mode in Premiere. When an item has been imported and the Panel is in streaming mode, Premiere will display the streamed media from this source.

Use Pre-Signed URLs

Only use when being in VidiNet SaaS Mode, when the Streaming Server does not have direct access to source storage. The request to the server will be made with temporary credentials

Trickplay URL

  • Video Streaming Trickplay Server: Endpoint needed for accurate thumbnail retrieval.

  • Enable streaming server events thumbnails: Accurate Thumbnails will be requested for Event Results.

  • Enable streaming server segments thumbnails: Accurate Thumbnails will be requested for Segments.

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