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Example of a MediaPortal interface.

Example of MediaPortal’s interface.

A single search tab’s layout can be broken down into the following areas:

Search: Users can enter a free text search as well as assign additional advanced search criteria and filters with which to improve the accuracy of search results.

Find & View: Various viewing mode preferences are offered depending on the objects. Additionally, users can choose from a variety of sorting options and are able to trigger workflows, as well as transfer desired matches into the Dropzone.

Organize: Define Folders and logically organize your content in work spaces.

Save Searches: Each search tab can be individually named and saved as a bookmark for later use.

Collect & Share: Conveniently manage and organize search results into shareable collections

 Additionally, MediaPortal supports a high degree of versatility when it comes to metadata. Availability of metadata fields, filter options and context menu actions can all be configured to meet customer needs.


MediaPortal also offers improved content organization and collaboration. Explore the content folder tree to view, create user folders, or opt for public folder sharing. Simplify content management through drag-and-drop functionality, ensuring effortless file additions. Access the Workspace section to intuitively organize files and customize your workspace seamlessly.

Example of an item being dragged and dropped into a folder tree structure.

Example of an item being dragged and dropped into a folder tree structure.

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