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There is a new way to search & find content

With the new knowledge base being made available with our 22.2 release, we’ve also made sure that the most important part of using the KB becomes easier.

The Tile on the Landing Page

Each topic group or Product has its documentation set expressed as a tile on the knowledge base’s landing page.


Each product tile houses the all documentation that is specific to the product within the KB. This includes a subset of documents such as release notes, user guides, etc.


Document Types Housed in the Product Tile

Product specific documentation includes multiple doc types. While not all products contain all document types, all documents types obey a common definition which specifies what kind of content can be expected to be found in each. This classifies information thematically and by role. Different individuals within a an organization will be drawn to different type of content and these types/definitions are designed to cover these roles.

Basic Document Type Definitions

Release Notes [{prod} RN]: These provide the delta of changes between two versions.

User Guide [{prod} UG]: This guide is meant for end users expected to interact with the application.

Operations Guide [{prod} OG]: This guide is meant for system administrators expected to manage and configure the application.

Integration Guide [{prod} IG]: This guide is meant for developers expected to develop with the application as an anchor point.

It is important to note that these differences are expressed at a page suffix level. This is done to provide contextualization of which page belongs to which content group.

Example VidiEditor:


Switching between Versions

Each tile contains all published versions of the documentation (staring with 22.1). This means that from within the tile, and at page level, users can switch the version of the documentation they are reading via a dropdown. It is also worth mentioning that there is no interrupt if the content exists for both switched versions. This results in a page persistence when navigating, allowing one to seamlessly switch between versions of content and continue their reading without interruption or resetting back to the document’s root page.


Using the Search Bar

When using the search bar (1) users have the ability to break down results based on two main facets.

a. (2) Group Tile (a product or a topic group).

b. (3) Versions (a published version of the documentation for a specific group).

This means that results with pages titled similarly, can easily be filtered out by these two facets. In essence, the search complexity is reduced to those results that are relevant to the product the user is searching for.

The number (4) counts how many hits you get based on both facets (2) and (3).


Floating TOCs

While visiting a page in the knowledge base, readers may notice that headings within a page itself will be expressed in a separate TOC located on the right hand side of the page layout. This TOC allows one to jump to the relevant sections of the page more easily.


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