UC Creating a BookingDefinition with Recurrence
If there are recordings that should be executed with basically the same configuration regularly, it can be very time consuming to create all those recordings manually. To make this easier, VidiCore supports Recurrences.
As described here, a recurrence is part of a BookingDefinition. To create a new recurrence, a new BookingDefinition should be created via a POST call on BookingDefinition. Instead of a booking with appended chunks as described in UC Create a Scheduled Recording , a recurrence object must be added to the BookingDefinition.
POST vidicontrol/schedulercore/SchedulerCore/BookingService/v1/BookingDefinitions
"recurrence": {
"frequency": 1,
"sunday": false,
"monday": true,
"tuesday": false,
"wednesday": false,
"thursday": false,
"friday": false,
"saturday": false,
"startDate": "2025-05-17T10:13:11.320175Z",
"endDate": "2025-05-20T10:13:11.320175Z",
"chunkTemplate": {
"commandList": [
"capabilityId": "wl",
"deviceId": "0B",
"executionTime": "2025-05-17T10:13:11.320175Z",
"index": 0,
"handling": "WaitForResult",
"content": "{\"action\":\"Switch\",\"input\":{}}",
"commandType": "CapabilityRouter"
"capabilityId": "0B",
"poolId": "0B",
"executionTime": "2025-05-20T10:13:11.320175Z",
"duration": 3600,
"index": 1,
"handling": "WaitForResult",
"content": "{\"action\":\"Record\",\"input\":{}}",
"commandType": "CapabilityRecorder"
"title": "ItemTitle1"
"startDate": "2025-05-17T10:13:11.320175Z",
"endDate": "2025-05-20T10:13:11.320175Z",
"type": "Recurring"