A chunk represents one single part of a recording. Some video servers feature chunk recording: a single recording job is split into several smaller recording jobs. In cases where the job is not split into chunks, only one chunk is present for the booking. For recording jobs, the chunk corresponds to the recorded file and is represented as an item in VidiCore. All recording related commands are attached to the chunk as a command sequence.
Property | Possible Values | Example | Description | Writeable? |
id | string | 0B | External ID of the chunk. | Read only. Created by VidiControl. |
vcItemId | string | ITEM-VX-39 | ID of the associated item in VidiCore. | Read only. |
metadata | string (JSON) |
| Metadata fields and values to set in VidiCore. The structure of the JSON document is similar to VidiCore metadata documents. | Write only. Set values are only known in VidiCore and not fetched when a chunk is requested. |
start | string (DateTime using the universal sortable date/time pattern) | 2023-01-04T16:40:27.67Z | Start of the actual recording. | Read and write. |
end | string (DateTime using the universal sortable date/time pattern) | 2023-01-04T17:40:27.67Z | End of the actual recording. | Read and write. |
executionState | string, (“Pending”, “InProgress”, “Done”, “Error”, “Virtual”, “DoneWithErrors” or “Preliminary”) | Pending | Status of the recording. Virtual Chunks are occurences of recurrence bookings that are not yet initialized. Preliminary chunks are booking placeholders that have no defined InPort. DoneWithErrors are chunks, where a switch didn’t happen or fail but they were still recorded. | Read only. |
title | string | RecordingTitle | Title of the recording. Currently, this is only used for VidiControl. No synchronisation with VidiCore is done, so it should be set to the same value as the title in the metadata property. | Read and write. Currently not synchronized with VidiCore (See description). |
clipId | string | qa444r | External clip ID on the recorder. | Read only. |
parentInfo | ExternalChunkParentInfo-object |
| Collection of some much used information about the parent objects of the chunk, attached to lower the need for additional requests | Read only. |
commandList | Array of command items | see Command | List of the commands that should be executed during and for the recording of this chunk. | Read and write. |
Sample JSON Snippet
"id": "V4",
"commandList": [],
"vcItemId": "ITEM-VX-123",
"metadata": "{\"timespan\": [{\"field\": [{\"name\": \"V3_Metadata1\",\"id\": null,\"value\": [{\"value\": \"my metadata 1 value\"}]}, {\"name\": \"title\",\"id\": null,\"value\": [{\"value\": \"my bookingdef title\"}]}],\"start\": \"-INF\",\"end\": \"+INF\"}]}",
"start": "2023-02-14T08:19:56.251734Z",
"end": "2023-02-14T09:19:58.251734Z",
"executionState": "Error",
"title": "Nice Title",
"clipId": null
"bookingId": "0B",
"bookingDefinitionId": "0B",
"bookingDefinitionType": "Recurring"