Inherited Metadata
Workflow Description
As a user, you may not always want to enter the same metadata for a number of records. To make this possible there is the possibility with VidiCore’s metadata inheritance feature to show or overwrite the same metadata at each object of a booking definition. This can be useful for example for serial recordings or event recordings like a soccer match. At the same time, the user may want to use already existing placeholder objects in VidiCore to create an inheritance.
Please note that in the release 23.3 the title is not transferred to the individual objects, because of the limitation of the inheritance of the title in VidiCore. This must be entered manually by the user. In future releases an automatic title generation will be implemented.
Motivation and Considerations
To not create again the same metadata with entering similar datasets and to use metadata placeholder which are existing in the system.
The motivation for metadata inheritance is to use existing metadata placeholders for the creation of multiple or single records.
The concept is based on the inheritance concept of VidiCore and MediaPortal. Inheritance can be interrupted by manually entering a metadata. Thereby the entered values are set.
If an inheritance has been changed manually once, the inheritance will not be reactivated even after deleting the previously created value.
Only as inherited marked metadata in VidiCore are taken into account in the inheritance logic.
Metadata not displayed in the UI is also inherited if this metadata is configured with inheritance.
Step by Step
Phase 1
The user enters metadata in the booking definition, which is configured as inherited in VidiCore. It is also possible to use other metadata at the booking definition if it makes sense to have those at the collection which will be created in VidiCore. After entering values the user has to confirm with save.

Phase 2
The user can view the metadata which are inherited at the individual recordings. If one were to manipulate the data, inheritance would be overruled.

Phase 3
The user decides to use an existing placeholder in VidiCore to inherit metadata to the booking definition and all the individual recordings. This is possible if a correct ID is entered in the Placeholder ID field. Please refer to the MediaPortal or the VidiCore API. The system will inform the user if a non-valid ID is entered. If the ID exists, the user can confirm with enter and an inheritance from the placeholder to the booking definition is established. If data is saved at any point manually data, cannot be inherited.