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Dealing with Metadata [VCon IG]


The VidiControl-Backend is in general not responsible for VidiCore metadata, neither for writing nor for reading it. Nevertheless for convenience it offers some limited possibilities. It is possible to write VidiCore metadata on the creation of BookingDefinitions / Chunks and to set a parent collection id for a BookingDefinition. Both will be shown on this page. All other operations, especially getting or updating metadata, should be done directly in VidiCore.

Description and examples

Writing metadata values to VidiCore during object creation

The only point in VidiControl, where metadata values can be written to VidiCore is on object creation. For this, the metadata field of the object (BookingDefinition or Chunk ) can be filled with the metadata information like in this example:

"{\"timespan\":[{\"start\":\"-INF\",\"end\":\"\\u002BINF\",\"field\":[{\"name\":\"title\",\"value\":[{\"value\":\"This is the title\"}]}]}"

Set parent collection ID of a BookingDefinition

For setting the parent collection ID of a BookingDefinition a special request is available. It can be used like this:

PATCH /SchedulerCore/BookingService/v1/BookingDefinitions/GD

  "parentVcCollectionId": "COLLECTION-VX-12345"

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