The action object stores a circumstance that requires user action. Currently, it is used for problems during the pre check of recurrences' virtual chunks (see Recurrence) and for preliminary recordings that will start shortly.
Property | Possible Values | Example | Description |
id | String |
| External ID of the action |
affectedObjectId | String |
| External ID of the object a user action is required for |
affectedObjectType | String (“VirtualChunk”, “Chunk”) | VirtualChunk | Type of the object referred by affectedObjectId |
affectedObjectTimeStamp | DateTime | 2023-08-04T16:25:00Z | Time the action should be resolved at (e.g. start of a virtual recording) |
actionType | String (“VirtualChunkCollision”, “PreliminaryChunk”) | VirtualChunkCollision | Type of action |
resolved | String (“NotResolved”, “ResolvedByUser”, “ResolvedAutomatically”) | NotResolved | Indicates weather this problem is resolved (a.k.a. no user action is needed anymore) and if it is resolved by a user action or by an automatic action of the system. If it’s value cannot be guaranteed to be correct (e.g. when resolving an action via API) it is left empty. |
actionCode | Integer | 460 | Status code that describes the reason, user action is necessary. For example in case of a virtual chunk collision the error code thrown by the pre check is stored here. |
actionMessage | String | Commands cannot be scheduled due to blocked devices | Message that describes the reason, user action is necessary. For example in case of virtual chunk collision the error message thrown by the pre check is stored here. |
Example JSON Snippet
"id": "VCR-GD",
"affectedObjectId": "vid-VCR-3M6-VCR-WdAPZe",
"affectedObjectType": "VirtualChunk",
"affectedObjectTimeStamp": "2023-08-04T16:25:00Z",
"actionType": "VirtualChunkCollision",
"resolved": "NotResolved",
"actionCode": 460,
"actionMessage": "Commands cannot be scheduled due to blocked devices!"