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Solve Actions

Workflow Description

The user should be informed about actions he has to perform manually, so that recordings can be performed without errors. For this purpose, the user should be informed in a reasonable time.

Motivation and Considerations

To solve recording problems that would prevent correct recording.

Actions are created in a defined time in previous.

The user can mark the actions as solved

If the action is not solved the system will re-create the action

The action will be automaticly solved if the user will do the change manually or by the system without manually solving it in the UI.

The creation interval for actions can be configured in the config UI

There are two action types available:

  • Not assigned: Gives the user the hint to assign a source to a recording.

  • Collision virtual chunk: Gives the user the hint to fix a collision that has occurred due to a recurrence recording.

Actions will be shown as red triangle at the front of a recording on the timeline.

Step by Step

Phase 1

An action appears in the system.

Phase 2

User can jump to the recording by selecting the button

The recording will be seleted on the timeline and the cursor jumps to that time.

Phase 3

The user manually intervenes in the system and solves the collision or adds a source and marks the action as solved (alternatively, the action will be closed automatically in the next check interval).

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