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How to add <output> groups for each pair of audio channels [VC UG]

This guide includes parts of a user case from one of our customers.

Customer asked;

"Please could you give me an example script that can dynamically add <output> groups for each pair of audio channels?
The profile I have below is for 4 channels, but I need one that does 2, 4, 6, up to 16.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<TranscodePresetDocument xmlns="">


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<TranscodePresetDocument xmlns="">
var template = preset.getAudio().getOutput().get(0);
var initialChannels = preset.getAudio().getOutput().size() * 2;

var channelCount = 4;
for (i = initialChannels; i &lt; channelCount; i += 2) {
  var output = template.clone();

  output.getChannel().add(new java.lang.Integer(i));
  output.getChannel().add(new java.lang.Integer(i+1));
  output.getStream().add(new java.lang.Integer(2));

To test the script against an item/shape, you can use;

GET /shape-tag/(tag-name)/item/(item-id)/shape/(shape-id)

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