Changing the Vidispine API Administrator Password
When running Vidispine API-as-a-Service in Vidinet you set your own password on creation, for Vidispine API Server on premise the default admin credentials are set according to documentation, and when running on Azure or AWS, the default password can be found in the server console.
There are two ways to change the admin user password; either by using the API (valid for all types of installations), or by using the vidispine-admin tool (valid for on-premise installations).
Using the API
When using the API, changing the admin user password is done the same way as when changing any Vidispine user’s password, i.e.with a PUT request to http://localhost:8080/API/user/admin/password?type=raw, using the URL to your Vidispine instance instead of localhost. The body of the request should be plain text and only consist of your new password, see user credentials reference in the API documentation.
Note: It is very important to include the ?type=raw in the PUT-request, as this will trigger the password hashing and salting when stored in the database. Submitting the request without ?type=raw will cause a lockout of the admin user. If you do lock yourself out of your system this way, you can use the vidispine-admin tool (see "Resetting using the vidispine-admin tool" below).
cURL example:
curl -v -uadmin:admin 'http://localhost:8080/API/user/admin/password?type=raw' --data-binary 'newpassword' -X PUT -Hcontent-type:text/plain
Using the vidispine-admin tool
If you run an on-premise version of Vidispine API you can reset the password for the admin user, or any user, using vidispine-tools. Since the vidispine-admin command line tool reads the database connection settings from the Vidispine server configuration file and modifies the password directly in the database, the vidispine-tools package needs to be installed on the system running Vidispine. In the Azure and AWS Marketplace versions the vidispine-tools package are installed automatically, else you can find instructions on how to install the vidispine-tools package here.
$ apt-get install vidispine-tools
$ vidispine-admin password
enter user [admin]:
enter new password:
are you sure? y
resets password for admin.....: ok
Note: This only works in the standalone version of Vidispine and the Azure and AWS Marketplace versions. If you run Vidispine API-as-a-Service in Vidinet, you need to do do the reset from the Vidinet Dashboard in the Vidispine API instance, see below.
Through the Vidinet dashboard
If you are running Vidispine API-as-a-Service in Vidinet you can only reset the Vidispine API password through the Vidinet Dashboard. Select the Vidispine API instance you want to reset the password for, and then request a password reset (see below).

Further reading
You can find more information about users and access control in our API documentation in the section Users, groups and access control.