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How to find all items with/without a specific metadata value

Example on how to find all items where a specific metadata field is set, in this case "t_external_id";

Submit this PUT-request;

PUT localhost:8080/API/item;updateMode=TRANSIENT?result=library

with the following search query;

<ItemSearchDocument xmlns="" version="2">


This will return a library containing items where the metadata field "t_external_id" is set to "VX-1".

Example on how to find all items where a specific metadata field is not set, in this case "t_external_id";

Step 1:

Submit this PUT-request;

PUT localhost:8080/API/item;updateMode=TRANSIENT?result=library

with the following search query;

<ItemSearchDocument xmlns="" version="2">

This will return a library, for example with library-ID VX*40.

Step 2:

Use the library from step 1, with the POST below;

POST "localhost:8080/API/library/VX*40/list?destinationUri=/tmp/librarylist.xml&p=id,shape[tag=original].[binaryComponent,containerComponent].file.path"

You should now in return have received a librarylist.xml file that contains all items with the specific metadata value that you entered.

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