VidiCore Patch Notes
This page contains a list of patches we released for this version.
Patch 24.2.11 on
Version information
Component | Version |
VidiCore | 24.2.11-0-g4cc61e1bfe |
VSA Docker Image | 24.2.11-0-ge14d6f73-24.2.14-20250129.2 |
Transcoder | 24.2.14 |
Item# | Item |
205073 | Support mapping to NLE Job Document for temporal_offset parameter |
Item# | Item |
236084 | StorageSupervisorWorker cannot delete deletable files on S3 storage |
235637 | Fix issue with bulky metadata-item deletion batchsize not being used correctly ("square-root-issue") |
234811 | Inherit all groups from parent collection to item |
Transcoder fixes
Item# | Item |
232276 | Transcoder fails: POP took too long, job stalled |
235040 | Conform jobs stalls with multiple sequences: Worker thread caught exception: POP took too long, job stalled |
235299 | SUP-7273: VidiCoder unable to output file with tag Total Left / Total Right |
Patch 24.2.10 on
Version information
Component | Version |
VidiCore | 24.2.10-0-g90e69754f1 |
VSA Docker Image | 24.2.10-0-g76f46b36-24.2.10-20241105.3 |
Transcoder | 24.2.10 |
Item# | Item |
233675 | Improve speed of bulky metadata deletion |
Item# | Item |
235207 | When including item information in API call for file by ID, deleted items should not be included |
Transcoder fixes
Item# | Item |
<none> |
Patch 24.2.9 on
Version information
Component | Version |
VidiCore | 24.2.9-0-g7af1a6d280 |
VSA Docker Image | 24.2.9-0-ge1ddee2e-24.2.10-20241105.3 |
Transcoder | 24.2.10 |
Item# | Item |
232887 | Delete files in batches |
233249 | Improve documentation regarding S3 default storage classes in VidiCore storage configuration |
232599 | Allow automatic restore of S3 files in storages classes “Glacier Standard Retrieval” and “Glacier Deep archive” within VidiCore jobs |
Regarding the feature “Delete files in batches”, please refer to the API documentation regarding the new configuration property fileDeletionBatchSize
Remark: There is a known issue with this parameter in the current version. Users need to set the value to the square root of the value they want to achieve. So if a value of 100 is required, then set it to 10 instead. This will be changed in a future patch release.
Item# | Item |
234800 | StorageSupervisorWorker/Servlet: Threads are blocking each other |
Transcoder fixes
Item# | Item |
<none> |
Patch 24.2.8 on
Version information
Component | Version |
VidiCore | 24.2.8-0-g19ee72f227 |
VSA Docker Image | 24.2.8-0-g87e3cd97-24.2.10-20241105.3 |
Transcoder | 24.2.10 |
Item# | Item |
<none> |
Item# | Item |
234198 | Bulky metadata cannot be retrieved when specifying item via external id |
233699 | Too much data delivered when retrieving item metadata via path parameter and specifying attributes on a field group or timespan |
234332 | Subtitles are not rendered when using POST /API/sequence/render |
234155 | Copying or moving files with the same S3 bucket fails on files bigger than 5GB |
233694 | Performing file search crashes when no hits are requested |
234256 | Clustering: Change timeout for cluster quorum loss to 40 seconds and make it configurable |
234302 | Clustering: StorageSupervisorWorkers should stop decently on cluster quorum loss |
234335 |
Transcoder fixes
Item# | Item |
232587 | Wrong orientation on portrait videos in CR3 format |
234252 | Improve proxy transcoding speed |
Patch 24.2.7 on
Version information
Component | Version |
VidiCore | 24.2.7-0-g9378b8f032 |
VSA Docker Image | 24.2.7-0-g13015ca0-24.2.9-20241018.4 |
Transcoder | 24.2.9 |
Item# | Item |
<none> |
Item# | Item |
233654 |
233428 | Multiple effects of the same type on the same segment do not work when rendering a |
Transcoder fixes
Item# | Item |
232879 | Shape deduction of video files sometimes reports binary components instead of video components |
232879 | Ensure processing of footer partition in shape deduction |
231715 | Wrong colors on MXF encoding |
233608, 232441 | Always send |
233772 | Transcoder randomly produces block artifacts |
Avoid segmentation faults due to invalid input buffer size |
Patch 24.2.6 on
Version information
Component | Version |
VidiCore | 24.2.6-0-g015c26eb77 |
VSA Docker Image | 24.2.6-0-g81aa75af-24.2.5-20240919.1 |
Transcoder | 24.2.5 |
Item# | Item |
<none> |
Item# | Item |
233151 | Cannot update placeholder notifications |
232939 | Item deletion fails if the item has more than 64K bigtext entries |
219292 | file search can return entries with id null and state UNKNOWN |
Transcoder fixes
Item# | Item |
<none> |
Patch 24.2.5 on
Version information
Component | Version |
VidiCore | 24.2.5-0-gafd8803340 |
VSA Docker Image | VSA: 24.2.5-0-g33f86416-24.2.5-20240919.1 |
Transcoder | 24.2.5 |
Item# | Item |
<none> |
Item# | Item |
232704 | Metadata notification for enumeration values return empty values when using enum IDs |
232096 | BulkyMetaData On FileSystem Prefix Missing |
232086 | Item effective locks are not written to the Index consistently |
229032 | Mismatch between Consumer selector and messages on JobFeedback Queue (Growing DLQ) |
208208 | Inherited metadata are not returned when using certain types of content paths |
Transcoder fixes
Item# | Item |
232276 | Transcoder fails: POP took too long, job stalled |
231018 | Confusing / incorrect audioComponent metadata |
Patch 24.2.4 on
This version is corrupt and should not be used for any reason.
Patch 24.2.3 on
Version information
Component | Version |
VidiCore | 24.2.3-0-g13a94ea7ea |
VSA Docker Image | VSA: 24.2.3-0-gdd3cc1af-24.2.3-20240808.1 |
Transcoder | 24.2.3 |
Item# | Item |
<none> |
Item# | Item |
232107 | Copying FileSequence does not work anymore |
232240 | Helm chart deployment fails when using system names with dashes |
Transcoder fixes
Item# | Item |
230796 | Mosaic effect doesnt work with Anamorphic Video |
230991 | Render generated wrong output video |
230187 | Job VSATransfer2925 failed and VSA goes offline |
Patch 24.2.2 on
Version information
Component | Version |
VidiCore | 24.2.2-0-g618f0863d8 |
VSA Docker Image | 24.2.2-0-g8559c955-24.2.1-20240704.1 |
Transcoder | 24.2.1 |
Item# | Item |
230371 | Rework Copy / Move command in VidiCore/VSA |
228503 | VidiCore/VSA: Support hardlinks |
Item# | Item |
231698 | Metadata notifications return empty enumeration values |
227465 | File is not marked for reindex when state is changed from MISSING to LOST |
Transcoder fixes
Item# | Item |
<none> |
Version information
Component | Version |
VidiCore | 24.2.1-0-g9e23eeb9b9 |
VSA Docker Image | 24.2.1-0-g10fa9591-24.2.1-20240704.1 |
Transcoder | 24.2.1 |
Item# | Item |
<none> |
Item# | Item |
230813 | VidiCore fails to receive SQS message from S3 buckets after running for some time |
231292 | Offloading of file transfers to VSA via |
229550 | Offloading of file hashing to VSA via |
Transcoder fixes
Item# | Item |
<none> |