Frequently Asked Questions (Enterprise) [VE OG]
Why does the VidiEditor search not show any video results?
No item exists in VidiCore having a shape matching the ME_ProxyShapeTag configuration parameter. Try to transcode a video to the configured ME_ProxyShapeTag and see if it is found. The default shape tag is ME_proxy_mp4_360_8ch.
Check the configuration of the ME_ProxyShapeTag Metadata key value pair on me_user group in VidiCore
Ensure that at least one of the options is checked in Media Type search filter.
Why is the publish button inactive / not clickable?
The button is inactive as long as no publish configuration is made or the timeline is empty. As those depend on the system design, no default configuration is added initially.
See also Publish Default Dialogue Configuration (Enterprise) [VE OG]
Why does the source player not play some media items, but can play others?
The media files need to stay in convention for video and audio - basically videos in MP4 / H.264 and audio in AAC. See detailed information here.
The ME_ProxyShapeTag configuration does have a shape tag configured not suitable for VidiEditor streaming. Check this configuration as explained in here.
Why does the source player not stream any media files?
The streaming service is down. This can be seen in the browser's web debugger while all API calls to streaming server fail. Please contact the support team.
All proxy shape tags configured in ME_ProxyShapeTag and ME_ProxyAudioShapeTag parameter are referencing files not supported for streaming. Please compare here.
The Render Preview Streaming Server URL might not be set correctly. See in General Configurations [VE OG]
Why does the timeline player not stream any media files, but the source player still works?
Render engine service is down. This can be seen in the browser's web debugger while all API calls to render engine server fail. Please contact the support team.
General problem in VidiEditor. Please contact the support team.
The Render Engine Server URL might not be set correctly. See in General Configurations [VE OG].
The Timeline player does not show a video when loading an exiting project, after one modification of a segment the timeline plays!
The proxy video files can be played in general as defined in Supported Proxy Video Format [INT VE XY.Z OG]
This happens when the proxy files are in correct format but the desired Timeline Output format is not matching the physical files.
Check Configuration switch “TimelineOutputFormat” in ConfigPortal → VidiEditor → General Use Case page to match the video files.