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Frequently Asked Questions (VidiNet) [VE OG]

FAQ List:

Why does the VidiEditor search not show any video results?

  • No item exists in VidiCore having a shape matching the ME_ProxyShapeTag configuration parameter. Try to transcode a video to the configured ME_ProxyShapeTag and see if it is found. The default shape tag is ME_proxy_mp4_360_8ch.

  • Check the configuration of the ME_ProxyShapeTag Metadata key value pair on me_user group in VidiCore

  • Ensure that at least one of the options is checked in Media Type search filter.

Why is the publish button inactive / not clickable?

I am unable to login with the following message “Max number of Concurrent Users is reached. Please try again later.“?

  • The purchased amount of concurrent users has reached its limit. You need to wait until a new license is available.

  • The concurrent user locking is not working accurately - an admin can clean up the reserved licenses in me_user user group metadata: ME_ConcurrentSessions.

  • The user has not logged out properly. This will be cleaned up automatically after 1 hour automatically. You need to wait for this time to get a new license.

Why does the source player not play some media items, but others are played?

  • The media files need to stay in convention for video and audio - basically videos in MP4 / H.264 and audio in AAC. See detailed information here.

  • The ME_ProxyShapeTag configuration does have a shape tag configured not suitable for VidiEditor streaming. Check this configuration as explained in here.

Why does the source player not stream any media files?

  • Files are not located on the S3 storage or the S3 storage does not support pre-signed path option. Check storage location and pre-signed path option in VidiCore.

  • Streaming Service is down, this can be seen in the browser's web debugger while all API calls to streaming server fail. Please contact the support team.

  • All proxy shape tags configured in ME_ProxyShapeTag and ME_ProxyAudioShapeTag parameter are referencing files not supported for streaming. Please compare here.

Why does the timeline player not stream any media files, but the source player still works?

  • Render engine service is down. This can be seen in the browser's web debugger while all API calls to render engine server fail. Please contact the support team.

  • General problem in VidiEditor. Please contact the support team.

The Timeline player does not show a video when loading an exiting project, after one modification of a segment the timeline plays!

  • The proxy video files can be played in general as defined in Supported Proxy Video Format [INT VE XY.Z OG]

  • This happens when the proxy files are in correct format but the desired Timeline Output format is not matching the physical files.

  • Check Configuration switch “TimelineOutputFormat” to match the video files.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.