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Video Effects

VidiEditor supports the following effects in the output video on the timeline player and on the publish process:

  • Scale

  • Position

  • Opacity

  • Rotate

Please note that transitions and animated graphics are not part of the effects in the VidiEditor terminology. If you are interested in those topics please research the documentation on those topics.

These effects are available for following media types:

  • video

  • still image

From a configuration perspective it can be decided if video effects are available at all or not for the VidiEditor installation. This can be switched on/off in the ConfigurationPortal under:

VidiEditor → General Settings → Enable video effects

Please note that the usage of video effects requires hardware on the streaming backend to calculate the effect. While turning on the video effects feature it should be considered how many users use it simultaniously and what is the needed hardare on the streaming backend.

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