Media Search Grid Configuration
This section describes configuration possibilities of the media management’s search pane. The corresponding configuration can be adjusted under:
ConfigPortal under the VidiEditor → Project → Search

Metadata fields of grid
The “Search Result Displayed Columns“ configuration allows one to configure metadata fields of the chosen metadata model into the result grid of the media search. In ConfigPortal, an ordered list of metadata can be chosen defining the columns of the media search dialog in VidiEditor. This is used to build the search query send to VidiCore so only configured metadata fields will be used for searching. Also a user preference can be set by users to blend out unneeded columns per user (see User Preferences). In ConfigPortal the setting easily can be made while configuring and ordering a list of the needed metadata:

The selected filters in ConfigPortal would result in VidiEditor Media Search dialog being expressed in the following manner:

Item Workflow
For item objects it is possible to configure a list of workflows to be triggered by the user. This can be helpful to create a quick access to customer-specific cases modelled inside a workflow. An example is to convert a media from one to another frame rate. The list can be easily configured while selecting an ordered list from the global workflow elements.

In result a user will see configured workflow selection in VidiEditor search context menu to trigger a workflow:

Usable input parameters handed over from VidiEditor to the workflow are:
targeFps: Defines the frame rate of the currently opened project (see: Open or Create a Project)
sourcePlatfromUri: Defines the Uri to the item that was selected by the user to hand over the link to the selected item for the workflow