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Timeline Player Shortcuts

The timeline player (see Timeline Preview Player) and the timeline (see Timeline Area) are strongly connected. So many keyboard shortcuts work in bot main focus areas. Anyway this section gives an overview for the timeline preview player:




Toggle Play forward / Pause

Space Key

Toggle Play forward / Pause

Shift + L

1 Frame forward (Key hold down also)

Shift + J

1 Frame backward (Key hold down also)

Arrow up

Navigate to next cut

Arrow down

Navigate to previous cut

Arrow right

1 frame forward

Arrow left

1 frame backward

Ctrl + Arrow right

10 Sec forward (Key hold down also)

Ctrl + Arrow left

10 Sec backward (Key hold down also)

Home / Pos1

Navigate playhead to 1st frame


Navigate playhead to last frame


Open Full screen mode


End Full Screen Mode

Shift + T

Focus Timecode field

Ctrl + M

Go through mobile aspect ratio dropdown


Cut segment of selected track at Playhead position

Ctrl + K

Cut all segments at Playhead position

Ctrl + Z


Ctrl + Shift + Z


Ctrl + Y


Shift + S

Toggle Audio Scrubbing / Trim

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