Grab Images from Video Assets
With VidiEditor you can grab an image from a video file e.g. for graphics department, teaser production etc. . The image can be created from the high resolution video to get best quality depending on the backend workflow used for it (see Image Grabber).
Therefore the image grabbing is handled by a backend VidiFlow workflow, that needs to be configured by the system administrator using ConfigPortal. The grabbed image is stored on a central storage to make it accessible for further processing.
To grab an image you first need to navigate to the right position in the video, that shows the image you are interested in.
Now select the “Image Grabber” symbol from the player controls indicated by a camera icon.
VidiEditor will prompt a message like “image grabbing process initiated”. Now in the backend the workflow is processed and the image will be available in a predefined directory.

Please note that this feature is only available for installations which include VidiFlow.