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Timeline Data Transformation

As explained in Timeline Sequences Data 2 different descriptions of timeline sequences exist in VidiEditor called VidiEditor Timeline JSON and VidiCore Sequence Document. As this might be confusing, they differ a bit on what's doable with them and what is used where. To make working with them comfortable, a data transformation was implemented to transform the data into both directions. This is available as NPM package that can be bound into applications. Use cases illustrating the advantages are:

  • Making VidiCore Sequences usable in a VidiEditor timeline for editing.

  • Preview a VidiEditor Timeline in the MediaPortal Player.

  • Preview a VidiCore Item Sequence in the Media Player.

  • Export and import back timelines from one VidiEditor project to another project.

  • Realizing 3rd party integrations.

The package is called:


and can be used for internal developments. If you are a 3rd party vendor interested in using it please contact Vidispine Product Management.

Aspects and Limitations

The 2 different sequence descriptions allow different functionalities, while the VidiEditor Timeline JSON concentrates on the graphical user interface and the related playback mainly, the VidiCore Sequence Document focuses on the VidiCore functionality and the related media objects more. This leads to the result that not all functionalities transform from the one to the other description in exact the same way. Some aspects will also be ignored on the transformation. Those aspects will be discussed in the following:

Path and ID Information

The VidiEditor Timeline JSON contains the path to the configured proxy shape (needed for timeline playback) as well as the VidiCore item ID related to the used items. The Sequence Document just contains the VidiCore item IDs. This means transforming from Sequence Document to VidiEditor Timeline JSON requires to calculate a path to a valid proxy file out of the item ID.

Number of Tracks

The VidiEditor interface is limited to a maximum of 5 video tracks and 5 audio tracks. However, there is no limitation for it in the Sequence Document or the VidiEditor Timeline JSON. Assuming a Sequence Document to be transformed to VidiEditor Timeline it will result in a maximum of 5 tracks.

Audio Track

The VidiEditor GUI and media player playback supports only stereo tracks while the sequence document counts tracks independently from their layout. So the transformation treats tracks from the sequence document as stereo mapping odd/even tracks to left/right channel as long as the track timecodes match. When a 2nd audio track within a Sequence Document does not align perfectly with the 1st audio track, then the 2nd audio track will push it to next track in the VidiEditor.

Linked Segments

In Sequence Document the absence of link information will lead to missing linking when transforming to VidiEditor JSON. In VidiEditor import it will try to auto link segments if they have exact values for the following information:

  • item id

  • in/out

  • sourceIn


Not all effects of a Sequence Document are transformable to VidiEditor timeline JSON. Below, the table lists all effects that are transformable to VidiEditor JSON.

Video Effect

Audio Effect








Effects that are not mentioned above will be ignored.


Not all transitions in sequence document are transformable to VidiEditor timeline. Below is the list of transitions transformable to VidiEditor:

Video Transition

Audio Transition




Transitions that are not mentioned above will be ignored.

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