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Monitoring Area

VidiEditor allows a high level monitoring of VidiFlow processes, especially helpful to monitor publish workflows that are triggered after the publish use case (see Publishing a Timeline Sequence). But also other workflows set up for VidiEditor are presented in the GUI.

Basic Usage

On default the monitoring is not displayed to the user. It can be expand to the VidiEditor application while clicking the small splitter element on the right hand side of the application.


In result the monitoring area pops out and displays the results of relevant VidiFlow workflows. It will look as follows:


The most general purpose is to display all relevant workflows in a grid view presenting the technical workflow name as well as the state and most basic information such as start time or amount of steps. This is a compressed view displaying the workflow triggered from the GUI directly, anyway it does not display details about sub workflows, tasks inside a workflow or the chain that was run through. If this is of interest the user can easily link into the VidiFlow workflow monitor using the button in first column. Simply click on the button to open a link to the workflow in VidiFlow monitor with all available details:


Besides linking to the workflow monitor it is also possible to quickly link into MediaPortal is the workflow has feed back an object ID to the monitor. Then the user can click also on the result line of the grid which will open a link to MediaPortal with the ID presented in the ID column. This for example is useful if a new item is generated on publish that can be used in subsequent use cases in MediaPortal, so it is very easy to find the new item via the monitor.

Please not if the ID is not set also clicking of the row is not possible and the deeplink to MediaPortal cannot be build

Updating the Processes

If the VidiFlow notification service is connected successful the result grid will refresh automatically and the user will not need to do anything to see the lates state of the process. This is especially conevenient if the user wants to review the workflow status while working in VidiEditor.
If the notification service for some reason is not connected, the GUI will present a warn message in the header of the monitoring area. Also the user can still poll the latest information while clicking the refresh button.


Furthermore paging controls in the footer of the monitoring area allow to move through the pages of workflows.


Working with the data

The data columns of the monitoring area are fixed and always present following options:

  • Link to VidiFlow Workflow Monitor

  • Technical Workflow Name

  • State of the Workflow

    • Waiting

    • Running

    • Failes

    • Success

  • An object ID of the VidiCore layer

  • Start Time of the Workflow

  • Duration of the Workflow

  • Step information

The grid can be sorted bay a column while clicking the columns header. An arrow indicates the sorting:


This is also possible while using the options button on each column headers right hand side:


Besides the sorting in here the user is also able to filter the grid by the column using the Filter option:


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