VidiFlow Release Notes [VF RN]
The following items on the list encompass breaking changes, features, and fixes that are relevant for the major release.
Release 23.1
Setup and Operations
Dependencies and Component Updates
The following central components were updated and will be shipped in the noted version, along with relevant product and service dependencies:
Dependencies with Products and Services | Version |
VidiCore UPDATED | 23.1 |
Kubernetes UPDATED | 1.24 - 1.26 |
ConfigPortal UPDATED | 23.1.38 |
AuthService (KC-based) UPDATED | 23.1.17 |
Components | Version |
Transcoder Images UPDATED Commandline UPDATED | 23.1.45 23.1.44 |
Angular UPDATED | 15 | | 8.6.1 |
RabbitMQ | 3.11.2-management |
RabbitMQ Operator | 2.0.0 |
Camunda UPDATED | 7.18 |
Powershell | 7.2.2 |
OpenSearch | 1.2.4 |
OpenSearch dashboards | 1.2.0 |
Hangfire | 1.7.31 |
PostgreSQL | 14 |
New Services, Agents and Tasks
Copy Chunked Files Via Agent
A new task was introduced to allow copying of growing files to and from cloud storages like S3 or GCP. The agent uses a chunking mechanism that works transparently in all Vidispine products. After the complete file has been copied into chunks, the file will automatically be consolidated into an MXF file. All temporary files will get a deletion lock that expires after a timespan to be configured in the TranscoderS4M configuration use case page.
Support for partial restore on cloud storages (like S3)
Several VidiFlow tasks are updated to work on cloud storages like S3 in the same way as on local storages. This includes, among others, the task for MXF index creation and the Trim MXF task.
Support of Google Cloud Storage
The Vidiflow tasks processing media now support Google Cloud Storage.
Workflow API: New call: POST message
In the workflow API, a new call is available. This allows sending messages to a Camunda workflow. This can be used to pause a workflow and wait for a message to be sent from an external system.
List of Updated Tasks
Housekeeping service and workflow
The housekeeping service and workflows were adapted to react to new notifications from VidiCore passing the child IDs if deletion locks for expired collections. This allows triggering the deletion of the contained items or sub-collections in a more efficient way.
Workflow Monitor
Manual resync of workflow index
It may happen that the workflow index for a workflow is not up to date. To repair this, it is possible now to select a single workflow in the Workflow Monitor and trigger a manual resync for it.
Show instance ID and relation ID in the details view
The instance id and relation id of each workflow will now be shown in the details view.
State FAILED removed from the workflow status filter
The deprecated workflow status “FAILED” was removed from the filter for workflow states.
Adapted default column size
The default column size of different columns was changed to allow a better user experience for new installations or with cleared browser cache.
VidiFlow Portal
Support of deep links for items, collections, and libraries
It is now possible to call the VidiFlow Portal with a URI deep linking to an item, collection, or library. This allows integration in 3rd party monitoring applications.
Performance, stabilization, and other improvements
Workflow indexing performance improvements
The workflow index represents the state of all Camunda workflows plus additional information to be shown in the Workflow Monitor. The index is updated using a message queue.
In high-load scenarios, it could happen that all current workflows in the Workflows Monitor were not shown or up to date because processing these messages took longer than required.
To avoid or at least reduce this effect, the workflows index update messages are now split according to priorities
Priority 1: workflows status updates
Priority 2: task status updates
Priority 3: all other updates
This should lead to the situation that priority 1 messages are processed very close to real-time, whereas other messages may be delayed. In the Workflow Monitor all workflows should be shown with the correct workflow status, but other information like “steps done” or “steps in progress” may be delayed.
To allow monitoring of the queue behavior, two new metrics were introduced:
Outdated Counter: Counter of messages (with lower priority) which were ignored as the final workflows state was already achieved.
Ignored Counter: Count of messages where no workflow was available in the index (should always be 0).
Camunda workflow metrics deletion
The time to live for Camunda metrics can now be configured separately by the configuration parameter “CamundaMetricsHistoryCleanupInDays” (Default 1 day).
Script to change Camunda workflow time-to-live for dedicated workflows
A new script is provided to allow setting the time-to-live for dedicated workflows filtered by name von version to new values. This can be used e.g. in migration scenarios, where a very high amount of migration workflows may slow down the system.
Batch thumbnail processing in Transcoder S4M
The Transcoder S4M posts thumbnails now in batches to VidiCore to reduce the API load. The tasks use batches of 50 thumbnails or posts all collected thumbnails every 30 seconds, depending on which limit has been reached first.
Password encryption
Different passwords to 3rd party systems are now encrypted in the VidiFlow deployment using the ConfigPortal decrypt API.
In other scenarios, passwords were moved from a config map into Kubernetes secrets.
Improved logging for media agents
The readability and quality of log files for media agents have been improved in different situations.
Standard settings for transcoder modules
For new installations, VidiFlow deploys default values to the use case page “TranscoderS4M\Config” in ConfigPortal.
Item # | Item |
207983 | TranscodingS4M Agents not able to generate Uri on Azure Storage when Analysis is set to true |
208469 | S3 Storage: MediaAgents: Failed to Create Index File via Linux |
208993 | Transcode File With Transcoder S4M via Linux V1.0 should not be contain location awareness parameter. |
210452 | Trigger Workflows on ENUM Metadata Change not working |
210698 | GetFileInformation agent fails if state is LOST thus no uri available |
210890 | S3 Storage: Cannot transcode the media file if provided input as S3 source file uri for the Transcode File with TranscoderS4M via Linux |
210944 | Transcode File with TranscoderS4M via Linux: unable to perform transcoding when source uri is platform uri |
211104 | MediaAgents.Transcode starts file/shape import although transcoding job timed out |
211169 | WF-Monitor: Browser-Refresh on details tabs closes list view |
211262 | WF-Monitor: Pagination disappears in the narrow browser window |
211828 | Agent.Transcode does not evaluate status of SessionResultTargetInfos |
211835 | Transcode vantage creates many Incidents per workflow |
212320 | Storagehelper needs to be added to the group 1001 |
211489 | S3 Storage: MediaAgents: Failed to Create MXF File from Binary File via Linux |
211830 | Agent SetObjectMetadata fails setting date metadata |
212613 | Contract Version 4.0 for Render Item Sequence Task does not repsect video effects |
212754 | SendMail Agent in 22.4 does not work anymore |
212607 | Stitcher does not have retry logic for failing VC API calls to resolve originalFilename |
212974 | Transfer-file-essence sometimes creates files that are smaller then the source |
203352 | Platform.Vidispine.ExternalId.ConsoleHost support of FileUris |
207267 | Remove hardcoded empty string of Elasticsearch Username and Password in appsettings-log-api.json |
210352 | Deployment failed due to Allowed Origin missing from upsetting |
211105 | Workflow API: Deletion of workflow instance fails if process-instance not found in Camunda |
211106 | CP: AWS url considered invalid format for Endpoint URLs |
211804 | WF-Monitor: Parent workflow status not updated when child completed |
210681 | Rule Designer Header and Scrollbars disappear for large rules |
213896 | StorageHelper fails when using filenames with spaces |
191417 | Render Item Sequence Task triggers Growing Signal before the created File is linked to the shape |
214674 | RenderItemSequenceV4.0: Boundary events are not working |
209663 | Logexport leads often to OOM or timeout |
210686 | WorkflowIndex fails if wf instance isn´t available in camunda anymore |
214660 | Update oauth2-proxy to latest version |
212612 | Add User Group Rights Task succeeds though failing |
215006 | Vidiflow Portal log out UI design |
214814 | TranscodeVantage fails triggering "subtitle insertion" workflow: Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'collection') |
214660 | Update oauth2-proxy to latest version |
215311 | Transcode proxy for audio file not working |
199702 | "Export Item" task creates XML faulty sidecar files |
214709 | Agent Transcode: missing deletion of index files (cix/tix) in case of transcode error |
215203 | Conditional workflow triggered workflows issue |