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This is a field attribute that denotes a field in the use case configuration as being accessible and editable in VidiFlow's ConfigPortal.
The mandatory label of the use case field shown in ConfigPortal.
A mandatory description for the use case field that will be show as a tooltip in ConfigPortal.
This is an optional property which default to false when omitted. It denotes a use case field as optional. If a use case field is defined using Nullable<T> this property is ignored.

Optional use case fields

Optional use case fields do not require a default value in contrast to optional task contract input parameters.

This optional flag specifies if a use case field is depending on the environment. Default value is false, i.e. the value for this use case field will be staged to other environments (see also Start-up configuration
Another type of configuration is required to start-up a VidiFlow component.
In general, this includes various endpoints or connection strings for services/databases provided in a VidiFlow deployment.
Making changes in this configuration effective usually requires a re-start of the service. Therefore, do not store data in the start-up configuration that might change without re-installation of VidiFlow, like 3rd-party-endpoints. Use the use case configuration for these scenarios.
An optional property that will be shown in ConfigPortal as a placeholder in the editable field when it's empty. Defaults to "Enter <displayName>…" when omitted.

Example in ConfigPortal for default placeholder

The optional initial value of the use case field.

No type conversion check

There is currently no check if the specified default value can be converted into the defined parameter type, so take care what you specify here.

Default value for use case fields

In contrast to task input parameter fields a default value will also affect mandatory fields.

An optional property for use case fields of type string. Will be ignored for all other types.
Omit this property if you do not require a specific pattern validation.
Can contain a C# regular expression that will be validated in ConfigPortal when editing the field.
A mandatory property for use case fields of types string or integer. Will be ignored for all other types.
Determines the minimum length of a string or the minimum value for an integer that will be validated in ConfigPortal when editing the field.
A mandatory property for use case fields of types string or integer. Will be ignored for all other types.
Determines the maximum length of a string or the maximum value for an integer that will be validated in ConfigPortal when editing the field.

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