Configure ConfigPortal & VidiFlow Portal for VidiFlow's New Workflow Designer [DEV VF]
The new Workflow Designer referenced here has been introduced with release 23.3.
After a fresh installation of VidiFlow, clicking on the edit button to a workflow will redirect you to the Workflow Designer page. With the introduction of a “new” Workflow Designer, it is possible to configure VidiFlow redirect to the “new” Workflow Designer when editing a workflow.
The new Workflow Designer should first be used extensively in a test environment before it is used productively. Individual features of the old Workflow Designer may not yet be available.
The following steps can be used for fresh and existing environment installation.
Go to PREPARED inventory to edit the file “10_vpms3.vidiflow.v2.yaml”.
useNewWorkflowDesignerAsDefault: true
. The full modification is as follows.Example: Full Vidiflow Clients Configuration
Run the PREPARED installation, after it is completed, go into the VidiFlow portal.
Navigation to the “Workflow” tab, and click on the pencil button (edit).
You will be redirected to the new Workflow Designer.