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Handle Contract updates on tasks, workflows and rules

Workflow Designer comes with a feature to identify contract updates automatically. It is also capable to perform these updates automatically. This is to describe how it’s done.

Step 1: Verify tasks versions

With the button “Verify task(s) versions” image-20240703-101219.png from the button area, all selected tasks are checked for contract updates.

Then, all tasks having a contract update, are marked with a yellow background color.


Task “Add File to Item“ has a newer contract version. This is indicated by the yellow background color.

Step 2: Update tasks to latest version

With the button “Update task(s) to latest versions” image-20240703-101255.png from the button area, an update dialog can be opened:


A click on “Upgrade” then automatically updates the tasks:

  • The newer version is used

  • All parameters which were not changed regarding name and type, are taken over

  • If parameters are missing, the task will be marked red for manual upgrade

  • All connectors will be kept

  • Boundary events will be kept if they are still available in the new contract or marked as to-be-removed otherwise

  • The existing reference workflow variable will remain unchanged

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