BPMN Canvas
The canvas is the central area of the Workflow Designer. It contains all entities of a workflow in a graphical representation.
General Features
The following is a list of the general features of the canvas:
On top of the canvas, the name and version of the current workflow are shown.
With the hand tool activated, the canvas can be moved by clicking and holding the mouse in an empty area and moving around. Alternatively, the mouse wheel scrolls vertically and shift + mouse wheel horizontally.
Zoom is possible via ctrl + mouse wheel while the move cursor is over the canvas.
It is possible to change the names of entities with a double-click on it.
If an entity is marked with a red color, then not all mandatory parameters are set.
Searching for entities is possible based on the names. Press Strg + F and type parts of the name. Select the correct entry if multiple matches are available
Dropping and connecting entities
Any entity from the toolbox can be put on the canvas by using drag & drop. There are different ways to connect these entities:
Drop an entity to the canvas without any connection.
Move an entity from the toolbox over an existing one, press and hold the shift key, move the entity to the destination location, and drop it. The result is that the new element (successor) succeeds the other where the shift key was pressed on (predecessor).
Moving an entity from the toolbox over to an existing one
Select an entity, select the arrow symbol, and click on another entity. The first entity is now the predecessor of the second.
Selecting an entity
Activate the global connect tool and connect different entities to each other.
Global connect tool