Properties Panel
The properties panel shows the properties and attributes of the currently selected entity in the canvas. If no element is selected, then the properties of the workflow itself are shown.
With the button on the top-right area of the properties panel, different area of properties can be switched:

Select area of properties
Workflow Properties
This section describes the various properties of the workflow itself. These can be checked and changed if no entity is selected in the workflow canvas.
General Properties
The general properties are:
Property | Description |
Name | Name of the workflow. |
Documentation | A text field to add any documentation of the workflow. |
Default priority | For advanced users: Change the default priority of VidiFlow tasks. |

General workflow properties
Global Workflow Parameters
The area “global workflow parameters” shows a list of input and output parameters of the workflow. Additionally, some special parameters can be chosen.
Property | Description |
List of workflow parameters | This list shows all defined workflow parameters. Input parameters are marked with an arrow down symbol, output parameters with an arrow up. |
Description | Shows the description of the currently selected parameter. |
Examples | Shows examples of the currently selected parameter. |
Workflow Object ID | Choose the main parameter of the workflow: One object of sub-type Platform URI can be selected here. The value of this parameters will be shown as a dedicated column in the VidiFlow Workflow Monitor and derive additional information from it. |
Status Message | One output parameter of type String is selectable to be shown as a clear text status message in the Workflow Monitor. |

Global workflow parameters
Workflow Entity Parameters
Different types of BPMN objects require different attributes. In the following, the General area is described for the most relevant objects. Additionally, the advanced section and the parameters area are described in one step, as it may not be available for all entity types, but if so, it looks the same for all.
Service Tasks
Property | Description |
Name | Name of the canvas element. |
Service task | Name of the VidiFlow service task to be executed. |
Service Task Version | Version of the service task. Suggestion: If not better known, always use the latest available version. |
Description | Description of the service task. |

General properties for service tasks
Workflows / Call Activities
Sub-workflows can be executed in so-called call activities.
Property | Description |
Name | Name of the canvas element. |
Workflow | Name of the workflow to be executed. |
Workflow Version | Version of the workflow. It is possible to select a specific version. Alternatively, selecting x.Latest will cause the latest minor version of the workflow major version x to be executed. |

General properties for call activities
Business Rules
The following general parameters are supported for business rules:
Property | Description |
Name | Name of the canvas element. |
Business Rule | Business Rule to be executed. |
Business Rule Version | Version of the Business Rule. It is possible to select a specific version. Alternatively, selecting x.Latest will cause the latest minor version of the rule major version x to be executed. |

General properties for business rules
Script Tasks
The following general parameters are supported for Script Tasks.
Property | Description |
Name | Name of the canvas element. |
Script Format | Used script language. Example: “JavaScript” |
Script type | Choose between “Inline Script” (default selection) and “External Resource” |

General properties for script tasks
With the Button a Script Editor can be opened, which features syntax highlighting and code completion. This also supports completion of input and output parameters:

Script Editor
Advanced Section
For the settings Asynchronous Before / After please refer to Camunda documentation about Asynchronous Continuations.
Parameter Area
The Parameters area is available for service tasks, business rules, or workflows. It shows all parameters of the selected workflow entities. For each parameter, it is possible to set a hard-coded value. Alternatively, there is the option to create new workflow input or output parameters based on a tasks', workflows' or rules' parameter.

Parameters are for service tasks, business rules and workflows
Property | Description |
List of workflow parameters | The list on top of the area shows all parameters that are declined in the object to be called. Input parameters are marked with an arrow down symbol, and output parameters with an arrow up. |
Type of input | Selection between “Workflow Variable” and “Value”. |
Value (if “value” is selected) | Hard-coded value. |
Workflow Variable (if “workflow variable” is selected) | Dropdown to select an existing workflow variable to be mapped on. |
Button + | Opens a dialog to create a new workflow parameter based on the entities parameter (see screenshot below). Most values will be preset based on the parameter of the entity, but can be changed or overwritten. Is is also supported to create a workflow parameter as optional. |
EL Value | Readonly field showing the value in the expression language. |
Description | Description of the parameter. |
Examples | Examples for possible values of the parameter. |

Dialogue to create a new workflow variable