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The toolbox is the central place to find entities/objects needed for the workflow.

The toolbox can be shown or hidden via the button in the title bar.

Filtering Area

The filtering area is located under the toolbox.

The search text box filters for the names of any BPMN entities in the selection area. While typing, the categories of the selection area are filled with the matching entries.

Alternatively, one or multiple tags can be chosen from the dropdown for filtering. This is currently only supported for service tasks.

It is possible to combine the filter for names and tags.


Filter BPMN entities by name (left image, red marking) or tags (right image, blue marking)

Button Area

The button area below the filtering area provides the following options:



Canvas tools

Activate the hand tool: Select and move BPMN entities.

Active the lasso tool: Draw a rectangle to select all BPMN entities in the area.

Activate the create/remove space tool: Create or remove space by move all entities besides or below the mouse cursor vertically or horizontally.

Activate the global connect tool: Connect different entities.

File and deployment operations

Create new workflow: Clean the canvas to start from scratch.

Open workflow from local file system: Load an existing BPMN file to the Designer.

Deploy workflow into system: Stores the workflow with a new minor or major version to ConfigPortal and triggers the deployment to the VidiFlow backend.

Deploy workflow for major version: Same as above, but forces to create a new major version.

Download workflow in XML: Save BPMN file to local file system.

Check workflow: Verifies if all mandatory parameters have been set for all entities in the workflow.


Verify task(s) versions: Checks, if a newer contract version is available for the selected task(s). If so, the Task is displayed with a yellow background color.


Update task(s) to latest versions: This will open a dialog to select a newer version to automatically update the task(s) to.

Selection Area

The main area of the toolbox shows different categories, which can be opened and closed via the arrow on the right side:




BPMN standard events to start and end workflows or receive boundary or error events.


Gateways to control the flow of the workflow.

Business Rules

VidiFlow Business Rules available in the system.

Script, Users Tasks

Script tasks, user tasks etc.


VidiFlow Workflows available in the system, to be possibly executed as sub-workflows.

Service Tasks

All VidiFlow service tasks available in the system. This can include product tasks as well as customer specific tasks.


Other BPMN entities.

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