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Service Group Settings [VN UG]

Once in the Service Groups tab, users can manage the different service group that help you organize VidiNet services, the teams attributed to them and billing.

Adding and removing services and teams to a group is not permanent and can be done after launching a service

Creating a New Service Group

You can create a new service group by specifying a name (1) adding one or multiple services to the group (2).

After you’ve specified the services, you can add which team or teams (3) are attributed to those services. Keep in mind that all administrators can manage all services.

Before choosing to create you can see all of your choices at the bottom. If you want to remove one of the service or a team by clicking on the minus icon.

Editing a Service Group

If you want to edit a particular service group, click on the Edit button (1) for that particular group. You will notice that both services and teams attributed to the group are displayed on the group’s tile.

A window will be prompted in which you can then choose to edit the service group name (1), add (2) or remove (3) services and teams.

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