API Support and Deprecation Policy
The following API support and deprecation policy applies to all products of an Enterprise MAM Solution (except VidiCore) and defines the stance on supporting the compatibility between API versions across major releases. Customers are expected to stay informed of API version changes in the product's respective Release Notes issued with every major release. The support table can be found here: .https://kb.vidinet.net/vidicore/latest/vidispine-release-lifecycle-and-end-of-support-sch
With every increase in an API version, all API versions older than the latest are considered deprecated. Customers are urged to migrate to the latest version as soon as possible. However, this product will continue to support the latest API version of the three previous major releases (latest release as well as the three previous releases). This provides customers with a transition period in which to carry out the migration.
Please be aware that an API version will not necessarily increase with every major release.
The information contained in this policy represents the current view of Arvato Systems' product on the date the document has been issued. This policy should not be interpreted as a legally binding commitment, but rather as subject to occasional change. This policy is for informational purposes only.