Create Recurrence Recordings
Workflow Description
As a user, you may want to configure recurring recordings. In this case, the user wants to save time by filling in certain data at the recordings again and again (inherited metadata). For this purpose it is possible to define certain information once at the recording and then have it available at every recording. It can happen that recurring recordings collide with other scheduled recordings. In addition, the user does not want all repetitive recordings to be already stored in VidiCore. For this purpose, the system creates virtual recordings, which are automatically or manually scheduled by the user and transformed into regular recordings. If there is a collision with another recording at that time, the system alerts you to become active.
If the recording is initiated by the system or manually, the state of the recording is persisted and loses the dependency on the repeat pattern. A subsequent change of the recurrence rule does not change an initiated recording.
Motivation and Considerations
To not create again the same recording with entering similar datasets.
Recurring recordings are motivated by creating a series of recordings to be scheduled recurrently with the same data. The function supports vidicore's inheritance logic regarding metadata.
A collection is created for every Booking definition item in Vidicore which represents the recurring recording.
Inherited metadata can by manually overwritten by the user
Virutell recordings must be initiated by the user or automaticly by the system.
If virtuell recordings are planned as pool recording they will be shown in unassigned lane under the pool if the system is not able to automaticly plsn them.
An action for a collision of virtuell recording will be created in the system, which has to be solved by the user.
If a single recording will be manually touched by the user then this is no longer considered in the recurrence series
Collections were created by VidiControl itself in VidiCore (Booking Definitions). The collections will not get a deletion lock from VidiControl. Please be aware that as long as an item exists inside of a collection the collection must be saved from deletion.
For every Booking Definition VidiControl will create a Collection. VidiControl will set the metadata V3_CollectionType for Collections in VidiCore at this collection.
Step by Step
Phase 1
The user creates a new Booking among the possibilities that the system offers him. See Create a New Booking
Phase 2
After the Booking dialogue opens the user switchs directly to the Definition tab and select recurrences to on:

The recurrences specification opens and can be edited Area: Create a Booking Definition [VCon UG]. After the specification the user has to confirm with save.
Occurences are limited to 100. This can be changed in the VidiControl Config UI. VidiControl does not take any responsibility for performance problems if more repetitions are allowed.
Phase 3
The user switch back to the Components tab. The recordings has to be created. In this case the user defined three daily recordings. The recording times and sources are the same. The recording will already be scheduled, if the start time is within the next 48 hours. Otherwise, a virtual recording is created. The upcoming will be virtuell recordings with the state planned and are displayed crosshatched on the timeline. Area: Timeline | Timeline-Indications

Phase 4
The user can manipulate the individual recordings if needed. As long as the virtuel recording is not planned the user cannot edit metadata. Also inherited metadata will be shown here.Inherited Metadata For creating a scheduled recording from a planned (virtual recording) the user has to manually initiate the recording. After that manuel step a VidiCore item is created and metadata can be set. The system will automaticly plan a virtual recording if now collision is detected. Else an action will be created for the user to solve the collision. Solve Actions

Please note that in the current release 23.3 the title is not transferred to the individual objects, because of the limitation of the inheritance of the title in VidiCore. This must be entered manually by the user. In future releases an automatic title generation will be implemented.