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UC Modify a Scheduled Recording


In case of updates (e.g. start, duration or device have changed), an update of the scheduled recording is necessary.


Currently updates are only supported for chunks (and their commands) and recurrences, not for booking definitions or bookings. This should currently be sufficient for all supported use cases.

Modify Chunk

Follow these steps to modify/update chunks:

Obtain newest version of chunk from API

Use GET /vidicontrol/schedulercore/SchedulerCore/BookingService/v1/Chunks/JMQZ?content=Commands

The ?content=Commands query parameter is mandatory in this use case.

Example Response:

  "id": "JMQZ",
  "commandList": [
      "id": "n50J",
      "capabilityId": "wl",
      "poolId": null,
      "deviceId": "0B",
      "executionTime": "2023-05-02T18:59:58Z",
      "duration": 2,
      "index": 0,
      "executionState": "Pending",
      "handling": "WaitForResult",
      "content": "{\"action\":\"Switch\",\"input\":{}}",
      "commandType": "CapabilityRouter",
      "inPortId": "Jr",
      "outPortId": "xd",
      "routingList": []
      "id": "Pp3Q",
      "capabilityId": "0B",
      "poolId": "wl",
      "deviceId": "AN",
      "executionTime": "2023-05-02T19:00:00Z",
      "duration": 3600,
      "index": 1,
      "executionState": "Pending",
      "handling": "WaitForResult",
      "content": "{\"action\":\"Record\",\"input\":{\"targetPath\":null,\"profileName\":null}}",
      "commandType": "CapabilityRecorder",
      "inPortId": "Jr",
      "outPortId": null,
      "routingList": []
  "vcItemId": "ITEM-VX-8233",
  "metadata": null,
  "start": "2023-05-02T18:59:58Z",
  "end": "2023-05-02T20:00:00Z",
  "executionState": "Pending",
  "title": "Recording Test",
  "clipId": null,
  "parentInfo": {
    "bookingId": "99Q4",
    "bookingDefinitionId": "n6QN",
    "bookingDefinitionType": "Single"

Change values in the response

As an example, the recording should be extended for one hour the title should be changed from “Test Recording” to “KPTN News”. The modified object is then:

  "id": "JMQZ",
  "commandList": [
      "id": "n50J",
      "capabilityId": "wl",
      "poolId": null,
      "deviceId": "0B",
      "executionTime": "2023-05-02T20:59:58Z",
      "duration": 2,
      "index": 0,
      "executionState": "Pending",
      "handling": "WaitForResult",
      "content": "{\"action\":\"Switch\",\"input\":{}}",
      "commandType": "CapabilityRouter",
      "inPortId": "Jr",
      "outPortId": "xd",
      "routingList": []
      "id": "Pp3Q",
      "capabilityId": "0B",
      "poolId": "wl",
      "deviceId": "AN",
      "executionTime": "2023-05-02T21:00:00Z",
      "duration": 3600,
      "index": 1,
      "executionState": "Pending",
      "handling": "WaitForResult",
      "content": "{\"action\":\"Record\",\"input\":{\"targetPath\":null,\"profileName\":null}}",
      "commandType": "CapabilityRecorder",
      "inPortId": "Jr",
      "outPortId": null,
      "routingList": []
  "vcItemId": "ITEM-VX-8233",
  "metadata": null,
  "start": "2023-05-02T20:59:58Z",
  "end": "2023-05-02T21:00:00Z",
  "executionState": "Pending",
  "title": "KPTN News",
  "clipId": null,
  "parentInfo": {
    "bookingId": "99Q4",
    "bookingDefinitionId": "n6QN",
    "bookingDefinitionType": "Single"

Send it back to the API via PUT /vidicontrol/schedulercore/SchedulerCore/BookingService/v1/Chunks/

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