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Title Generation

VidiControl offers template based title generation for recurrence recordings and crash recordings.


  • Several templates can be defined.

  • Templates consist of plain text and placeholders which are substituted with actual system values valid for the recording, e.g. the recording port label.

  • Currently, these placeholders are supported:

    • CollectionTitle

    • InPortLabel

    • OutPortLabel

    • StartDate (any format possible)

  • One template can be set as default for crash recordings

  • One template can be set as default for recurrence recordings


For configuration and details to the placeholders, please refer to Title Templates [VCon OG] .

Title Generation for Crash Recordings

When a crash recording is performed, the template configured as default for CrashRecordingChunk is automatically used to generate the crash record title.

Title Generation for Recurrence Recordings

When creating recurrence recordings, a title template can be selected. If a template is selected, it will be applied to the virtual recordings of the recording as well as for the instantiated Booking Components.

Once a virtual chunk is instantiated the title is set and no longer affected by changes of the title template.

Refer to Create Recurrence Recordings for details of virtual recordings.


If no template is selected, the configured default template for RecurrenceChunk will be used for title generation.

Refer to Area: Create a Booking Definition [VCon UG] | Section:-Recurrences-and-Specification for details.

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