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Router Out Ports

On this page, one can configure router out ports.

The following fields of a router out port cannot be modified:

  • A crosspoint id as an internal identifier in the router.

  • A label, read from the router.

  • A router where the port belongs to.

These fields can be modified:

  • A custom label

    • If set, it overrides the provided label in VidiControl’s user interface.

    • Can be empty.

  • An attached recording port

    • The attached recording port represents the physical cable connection between a router out port and a recorder in port.

    • If set, the port is available for recordings.

    • If left blank, the port is not managed by VidiControl and not used in recordings.

    • Can be empty.

Please refer to Key Concepts for using the table view and editing values.

Note, that a Recorder Port can only be attached to a single Router Out Port. If a Recorder Port is already attached to an Router Out Port, it cannot be attached to another Router Out Port but has to be unattached first.

WARNING: Modifying attached ports could cause irreversible damage to the system leading to data loss or other critical errors. Please ensure that you have proper understanding and authorization before deleting any value.

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