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Introduction [VDT UG]

The information on this page is sourced from: Start Here / Introduction - Page ⋅ Storybook (


VidiCore Development Toolkit (VDT) is a collection of packages used to help build (Javascript-based) solutions using VidiCore.

The documentation in here show examples on how to use the toolkit. In the Canvas view you can try these out using controls and actions, while in the Docs View you'll see APIs and code examples. In some cases, we consider components to be better demonstrated with more detailed code examples rather than controls. For these we'll direct you to the code example in the Docs view, and the Controls tab are removed from the Canvas view.

Furthermore, there's also information of packages and categories found under Overview at their root.

Published Packages





npm version

Javascript API for VidiCore


npm version

Javascript SDK for VidiCore


npm version

React SDK for VidiCore


npm version

React timeline based on react-konva


npm version

Materialui (v4) library for VidiCore


npm version

Mui (v5) library for VidiCore


npm version

Javascript player based on videojs


npm version

React player based on vdt-videojs

Developer Packages





npm version

CRA template using vdt packages


npm version

PropTypes for VidiCore


npm version

TypeScript definitions for VidiCore


npm version

Eslint config for React apps


npm version

Eslint config for React libs


npm version

Eslint config for Javascript


npm version

Prettier config

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