VidiFlow Release Notes [VF RN]
The following items on the list encompass breaking changes, features, and fixes that are relevant for the major release.
Release 22.3.165
Breaking Changes
Discontinuation of Service Fabric
Service Fabric used to be the standard environment for running VidiFlow. For various reasons, it has since been migrated to Kubernetes. With VidiFlow 22.3 no more services for Service Fabric will be delivered.
However, it should still be possible to run 3rd party agents in Service Fabric with this release. This will probably be disabled in the upcoming 22.4 release.
Discontinuation of Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 support
Internet Explorer 11 is no longer supported by Microsoft from June 2022 on. This also affects common frontend libraries such as Angular, which do not support IE 11 in newer versions.
For these reasons, VidiFlow no longer supports Internet Explorer 11.
Setup and Operations
The following components were removed from the VidiFlow deployment:
Elastic Search
Database Support
VidiFlow now supports PostgreSQL up to version 14.
Dependencies and Component Updates
The following central components were updated and will be shipped in the noted version, along with relevant product and service dependencies:
Dependencies with Products and Services | Version |
VidiCore | 22.3.0 |
Kubernetes | 1.21 - 1.23 |
ConfigPortal | 22.3.17 |
AuthService | 22.3.4 |
Components | Version |
Transcoder Images Commandline | 22.3.48 22.3.44 |
Angular | 13 | | 8.6.1 |
RabbitMQ | 3.10.5 |
RabbitMQ Operator | 1.14.0 |
Camunda | 7.17 |
Powershell | 7.2.2 |
OpenSearch | 1.2.4 |
OpenSearch dashboards | 1.2.0 |
Hangfire | 1.7.28 |
Tasks Migrated from Service Fabric to Kubernetes
The following tasks have been migrated from Service Fabric to Kubernetes:
Send Email
New Services, Agents, and Tasks
VidiNet Cognitive Services
VidiFlow supports the use of VidiNet services from 22.2 onwards.
The following service was added:
Task | Description |
Execute Face and Label Detection (DeepVA) | Recognizes faces and labels in video content using DeepVA technology |
Transform Using Configured XSL (1.0)
This new task allows, in comparison to the existing task “Transform using XML”, to pass the name of an XSL which is configured in the ConfigPortal section “Metadata Conversion”.
Tasks Taken Over From Solution Development
The following tasks were initially developed by our Solution Development and are now part of the VidiFlow product. All existing task versions are included to streamline the update process.
Convert JSON to XML
Convert XML to JSON
Decompress a zip file to a folder
Create a zip file from a folder
Get Sequence Item Document
Get Sequence Item Ids
List of Updated Tasks
Transfer Essence: Added Location-Awareness
The task “Copy File via Agent” in version 1.2 supports the location awareness feature introduced in VidiFlow 22.2.
Render Item Sequence (4.0): multiple shape tags for source files
The task “Render Item Sequence” now supports the ability to set multiple shape tags for the source files. For example, this allows for the mixing of video files and voice-over files with different shape tags in one sequence. Additionally, it is now possible to specify timecodes for the partial rendering of the sequence.
Import Metadata from SideCar Content (2.1) and Import Metadata from SideCar File (2.1)
Both tasks now support using an XLST configured in ConfigPortal in the section “Metadata Conversion”. This can be addressed by setting the new optional parameter “MetadataProjection”, naming the desired transformation. If a projection name is provided, the task reads the XLST from CP and applies it to the XML before importing it.
Get File Information (2.0): Additional Output Parameters
The task “Get File Information” has three new output parameters to return: the URI, the size, and the leading path of the file.
Create Collection (2.0): New parameter ExternalID
When creating a new collection, it is now possible to set an external ID. If the ID is already in use, the task returns a boundary event.
Enhanced S3 support
Several media and essence agents were adapted to better support S3 storages in the correct way.
Media Agents: Support of configuration values for growing files
All media agents based on the S4M transcoder technology now support different timeout values which can be configured in the use case configuration “TranscoderS4M\Config“ in ConfigPortal:
Media poll interval in seconds
File grow timeout in seconds
File appear timeout in seconds
Thread synchronization timeout in seconds
Adapting Support Third-Party Monitoring Links
Many tasks were adapted to support monitoring links to be shown in the Workflow Monitor. For all these tasks, a new major version has been created including the generalized output parameter “Hyperlinks”, which is evaluated automatically by the Workflow Monitor. If one or more VidiCore jobs are called in the task execution, the links are shown in the Workflow Monitor details view. This may be delayed until the task finishes or fails or a boundary event is thrown.
The following tasks are affected:
Task name | Task version |
Create MXF File from Binary File Via Linux | 2.0 |
Copy File | 2.0 |
Copy File via Agent | 2.0 |
Copy Shape | 2.0 |
Move File | 2.0 |
Move Shape | 2.0 |
Normalize MXF File via Linux | 2.0 |
Render Item Sequence | 4.0 |
Stitch Videos Via Linux | 2.0 |
Transcode Item | 4.0 |
Transcode Proxy Item | 3.0 |
Transcode File with TranscoderS4M via Linux | 2.0 |
Transcode Proxy with TranscoderS4M via Linux | 2.0 |
Trim MXF File Via Linux | 2.0 |
Workflow Monitor
Keep Position and Zoom Factor After Tab Switching
After changing tabs from and to a details view, the position and zoom factor will be set to the previous values.
Workflows Designer
Support Multiple Source Shape Tags
The Workflow Designer has a new control that allows one to choose multiple shape tags. For example, this is used in the latest version of the task “Render Item Sequence” (version 4.0).
Show Workflow Name and Version in Tab Header
The name and the version of the currently opened workflow are now shown in the browser tab header.
Rule Designer
Show rule name and version in tab header
The name and the version of the currently opened rule are now shown in the browser tab header.
Bundled Use Case Pages for Triggering Workflows
VidiFlow provides several so-called use case pages to ConfigPortal. All use case pages that are intended to trigger workflows are now arranged in one section “Trigger workflows”.
The page “conditional workflows” was renamed to “Metadata changes”

ConfigPortal: New section “Trigger workflows”
Support of Quantel SQ storages
It is now supported to add storages for Quantel SQ servers in ConfigPortal.
Support of S3 storages for Preview
S3 storages can now be used as Preview and Thumbnail storage.
Item # | Item |
203376 | Platform.MediaAgents.Transcode needs to omit MXFCommonIndexConfig when "Transcode: false" |
205505 | CreateCommonIndex: Stuck when CIX file already exists |
205556 | ExternalId agent isn't throwing ExternalIdAlreadyInUse interrupting event |
205775 | Various issues with the Create Sorted Sequence agent |
206502 | Control VPMS2 Workflow via Linux - Unable to de-serialize use case configuration. |
205506 | TranscoderS4M: Enhance Transcoding profile for keyframe generation |
206799 | RuleDesigner in 22.2 not able to create new WorkflowRules |
205095 | ContractUsage API fails with "sequence contains no elements" |
205164 | Registration of TIX files not working in TranscoderS4M |
207591 | Agent S4MTranscoder ignores set analsyse flag in CP |
205505 | CreateCommonIndex: Stuck when CIX file already exists |
207274 | Logic error in the Trimming agent |
207091 | .tix files not registered |
205774 | Transcode Proxy with TranscoderS4M via Linux does not trigger SourceFileCouldNotBeHandled MessageBoundary |
205506 | TranscoderS4M Agent: Not able to create "Keyframe only" job templates |
207265 | Trim MXF File Via Linux: agent needs to track multipart upload of the output file, before triggering placeholder import |
207058 | FlattenWorkflowObjectAgent shall reference Title and RenamedTitle from Collection |
202515 | Input parameter bold on non-mandatory parameter |
206329 | Unable to create placeholder item if metada changes config set to "active" |
207058 | FlattenWorkflowObjectAgent shall reference Title and RenamedTitle from Collection |
207265 | Trim MXF File Via Linux: agent needs to track multipart upload of the output file, before triggering placeholder import |
207293 | Usage information in VF Portal not working in different systems |
207586 | Fix opensearch dashbaord wf monitor link when default route is not /app/discover |
207915 | Vidicore Partial Rendering is not working |
208078 | Platform Log download index cannot be configured |
208088 | Deployment script drop Vidispine database by default |
203885 | Search for vidicore collections Task: Workflow is marked as Incident when there is no collection found in vidicore |
205276 | Stitch Videos Via Linux - AssignSourceShapeTagToTarget input parameter (Boolean) is not optional. |
208168 | WF-Monitor gets stuck: massive GET requests for WF instances when using retry |
208428 | MediaInfo Reader in 22.3.3 fails with An error occurred during task processing: Unable to load MediaInfo library |
208453 | S4MTranscoder writes wrong waveform metadata |